The 21 Day Miracle Experiment 

The 21 Day Miracle Experiment

Welcome to The 21 Day Miracle Experiment -- your very own experiment in creating miracles.  Try this 6 minute practice, every day, for 21 days and expect miracles. 


A miracle is an empowering shift in consciousness that creates positive changes in your life. 

Subscribe and receive additonal practice information for weeks 2 & 3. 
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Every day, for 21 days,  read the version of the prayer below that feels best for you.  Then, sit in silence for 3 minutes using the practice described below the prayers.
 Version 1 of the Prayer  (The "I Am" Prayer)
I am fully awake and I know I am one with God.  I am perfectly happy, healthy and whole.  I am strong. All my relationships are loving, peaceful and fun. I create joyful experiences because I have a joyful mind. I access all resources necessary to create any loving, peaceful and fun experience because abundance is in my mind. I love myself with a love that extends to the farthest reaches of the universe.  With this same love, I love God and all my sisters and brothers who are part of me.  In this very moment I am awake.  In this very moment I know I am eternal and I experience myself as love.
 Version 2 of the Prayer  (The Prayer of Willingness)
I am willing to believe that memory of my unity with God is within me. I am willing to believe that I can be perfectly happy, healthy and whole. I am willing to believe that I am strong.  I am willing to focus more on the ways I am already happy and healthy than the ways I may believe myself not to be. I am willing to believe that when I focus on what is already good and I feel good that more joy will become apparent to me than I had previously seen.   I am willing to believe that when I open my mind to loving, peaceful and fun possibilities that I open my life to experience them. I am willing to love myself with a love that extends to the farthest reaches of the universe, to love God and my sisters and brothers with this same love and recognize them as part of me. I am willing to be awake in this very moment.   In this very moment, I am willing to know that I am eternal and to experience myself as love.  

3 Minute Silent Meditation Practice

Begin your 3 Minute Silent-Sitting Meditation now. During this practice, listen with an alert and peaceful mind for any sounds you may hear. Relieve yourself of the need to comment on or judge the sounds . Just stay alert and listen as sounds naturally and spontaneously occur, whether you hear voices in the hall, cars driving by, birds chirping or wind blowing through the trees. If you are in a very quiet place you can focus on the sound of your breath or physical sensations like the temperature of the air on your skin or how your thighs feel on your chair. Listen and feel for only what is actually occurring in each moment. Whenver your thoughts wander, lovingly redirect your mind back to listening and sensing in each present moment.
 At the end of your silent practice, take a deep, slow, nourishing breath in and then let it out, feeling at harmony with all of life.
 During each day, stay open to guidance and follow your joy.   And expect miracles.

 Do not doubt the power of this simple daily practice, which I invite you to do for 21 days.  When you see positive changes in your emotional state, changes in the choices you’re making,  naturally and easily moving toward what’s good for you, feeling happier and more peaceful -- and you begin to see how these changes are actually starting to be reflected in your life, in your reality – you may decide to continue the practice indefinitely beyond the 21 days, and make it part of your daily routine. 



I suggest you add an additional 1-2 minute practice for weeks 2 & 3. Although it’s optional, I strongly recommend that you do it. I've had several miracles happen with this practice. Subscribe to my mailing list (above and to the right) and I'll send you the information for weeks 2 & 3. You'll have access to a private page just for subscribers.  You'll also receive a free mp3 download of my song, "Love Is".  I hope you love it.
Share your experiences with me and other people doing the practice at the Facebook group here:  (You may need to select "open in new window".)!/groups/570959039594860/

Email me your me your miracles, your experiences and your questions directly at


It's been my experience that when people would like to create these changes in perception that are the miracle,  and they want to create new circumstances for themselves that there is often a catch 22.   The catch 22 is that we need to create a new state of mind, and more positive emotional state but, how do we get there when we’re not feeling so great?  Well, this prayer and practice is a really good way to get there and I’ll tell you why. 


The prayer works on shifting the different ways that we may need healing, in different areas of our lives,  and gets us to focus on a more empowering perspective.  By saying it every day, we’re working on working on our willingness to believe that being more empowered is possible – we’re imagining that our lives can be better, that they are already happier and more peaceful.  We affrim that we are powerful and strong spiritual beings -- and we stretch ourselves, just a little more every day.  Every day, by making even little shifts, tiny adjustments to our emotional state, we’re changing the emotions we’re experiencing – raising the emotional frequencies that we’re experiencing - and this directly influences our lives. 

I wish you miracles.
With Love,
Laurell Eden